TradingView is the world’s most popular trading platform, trusted by over 60 million users worldwide.
Top-tier plans are expensive, but now you can get a Free Cracked version.
The Premium version was taken as the base, and all the packages from the Ultimate version were added.
This build was created on October 25, 2024, and is a Desktop version of TradingView exclusively for Windows and for macOS.
It includes both the Premium package and the Ultimate package (the Ultimate package installs on top of the Premium package).
For Windows 7-11:
Download: TradingView Full Package(Win)
Password: github
For macOs:
Download: TradingView Full Package(macOs)
Password: github
This version provides direct access to numerous data feeds, bypassing subscription verification, and grants you access to 2,050,000 financial instruments worldwide with high-quality data. The cracked edition unlocks all advanced trading tools, allowing you to trade efficiently without any subscription costs.